
Best Friend

Here is my DT reveal for Sketchabilities Sketch #59. So I was excited to use these cute pictures of my daughter with her new bunny, they were the perfect size for this sketch because you could use small pictures for it. However I find it very hard to scrapbook with lots of pictures. I used to do it in a blink of an eye, but nowadays, I usually only scrapbook one picture at a time. Needless to say I struggled a little. My idea was to rip the page and protrude the pictures through the holes. However once I did that, the page looked too blank and I didn’t know what else to add. I decided to cut some flowers and fairies from the Graphic 45 line “Once upon a springtime”. I love the graphics in that paper line so much. I can’t decide if I’m happy or not with the result. I need an outsiders honest opinion on the matter because I’ve been staring at the page for far too long and I can’t figure out if it came out the way I imagined it.
I do like how the two fairies are holding the page as if they are looking in and telling a story. I also like the scattered flowers flowing up and down. I guess I like the layout more than I think. Sometimes I’m too hard on myself!! I’m determined to have a positive outlook from now on!! LOL

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