
How To Clean Stencils, Paint Brushes and Palette Knives–Tips and Hacks

Hi Everyone,
If you know me by now or have watched my videos and live shows then you know that when I work on  a project I’m too engrossed in it to clean things right away and so a lot of mediums and paints accumulate on my tools.
I thought it was time to figure out a way to clean them up. 
I got the chance to experiment with different products to find one that would help clean my really dirty, “gunked-up”, stencils, paint brushes and palette knives.
Here is the video with all my results!!

Link to Murphy Oil Soap:

Equipment I use:

• Camera: Logitech webcam: [ Amazon ]

• Recording Software: Quicktime on Mac Desktop: [ Amazon ]

• Editing Software: Imovie on Macbook Pro laptop: [ Amazon ]

• Ken Oliver – Best Ever Craft Mat Table Cover – 36 x 24 [ ] [ Amazon ] 


I use compensated affiliate at no cost to you. This video was NOT sponsored, requested, or paid and I did it only because I wanted to. The information provided in this video is based on my own personal experience. I am not an expert nor do I work for these companies. I am just sharing products and techniques I like. 🙂

Thank you so much for visiting my blog
have a wonderful day!!

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