
New Design Team at Ces’t Magnifique

I’m extremely happy to announce my new design team at Ces’t Magnifique.

I was so excited when Leslie (the owner) asked me to be on her team. I’ve been subscribing to these kits for quite a while and now I will be part of the team
Ces’t Magnifique Kits are the best kits out there because they include foreign papers from all over the world. You get papers that are hard to find and Leslie brings them right to you.
So if you are looking for a kit club to subscribe to, this one is the one to be in!! I’ve been subscribing this whole year and I love them.
So check out the announcement here. I’ll be joining an amazing group of talented ladies and with me Brit Sviggum  will be joining too!!
Here is part of the announcement:
It is our pleasure to announce that we are adding two talented scrappers to our Design Team.  Keren Tamir and Brit Sviggum will be designing for us beginning with the January kit.  We’re sure you will love the very different styles they will bring to C’est Magnifique Kits.   We will let both Keren and Brit tell you a little bit about themselves.  Welcome to the design team ladies!
I just can’t wait to get started!!
Come and check out my designs in January at:

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