Hi Everyone,
I’ve joined a group of artsy and crafty friends for a Youtube hop with the theme of “Christmas in July”
We each created a video and you can hop between our channels to watch all the video tutorials and projects.
It is a very fun way to get to know us all.
Here is the project I created. I is a Vintage Christmas Tree Canvas that can be hang as home decor.
It was created on a 8×8 burlap canvas and the video tutorial is attached below as well as the links to all the products.
Here is the video tutorial and be sure to watch until the end as there’s a chance to enter a Christmas in July giveaway from me:
Giveaway is open internationally and it closes on August 3rd at 11:59pm. Anyone can enter!
Here are some more close-ups of the project so you can see all the texture.
Below are links to all the products I used. I only use products that I love. Some are affiliate links. When you press on these links I get compensated by the company that sells them at no extra cost to you. You don’t need to purchase the products if you don’t want to, but if you do, then pressing on the links will support me and help me create more FREE videos.. You can read my disclaimer on the About Me section of my blog.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog
Be sure to hope along with all the other youtube videos and enter my giveaway (details on my video)
If you get lost, here are the links to all the other videos
Tiffany’s Video
Heather’s video
Bona’s Video
Erin’s video
Have fun hopping!!!
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