Last month I posted a giveaway that I thought was very cool!! But it wasn’t so successful as I think most people that want to win, want to win BIG!! (That just sounded like a Casino advertisement LOL!)
However I did draw a prize winner and she chose 1 of the 6 packages I was giving away!
Well sometimes in life things don’t go as we planned. In those cases its always good to stir the ship and change directions.
That’s why I decided to have a new giveaway.
This giveaway still celebrates life!! It celebrates every small and big miracle in this world.
I’m not a very religious person but I love traditions and respect all religions and cultures from all over the world. They actually quite fascinate me. I see that some of you took interest in Judaism too so I just want to share my thoughts for this week.
In the Jewish tradition starting right after The new Year (Rosh Hashana) and until Yom Kipur (day of atonement) there are 10 days. In these ten days we are supposed to ask and accept forgiveness from G-d and from our family and friends. Sometimes we don’t know we have hurt someones feelings. Sometimes we want to forgive but don’t know how.
These ten days are just for that , to accept and give forgiveness so when we reach Yom Kipur we will be forgiven and inscribed in the book of life.
So that being said I want to ask forgiveness from all of you who read this post. If I have done something to offend you, this is the time I ask for a clean slate. I hope you feel my intentions are always good and pure!
Thank you so much for everyone who follows my blog and listens to my blabber and to all my friends all over the world no matter what religion, background or ethnicity you are. I feel close to all of you in our Scrappy world, WE ARE ONE!!
now for my giveaway!!
I call this giveaway MIXED MEDIA MADNESS
Here are some of the goodies inside: Masks: Crafter’s workshop, Balzar Designs, Dyllusions and Tim Holtz. Lots of Clear Stams minis, Lots of loose chipboard pieces like the fence from 2 Crafty, and some fun raffia in all different colors.
This giveaway is open Internationally anyone can enter. All you have to do is:
1. Be a follower of my blog and like my page on facebook
2. Link up your name at the bottom of this post
3. for an extra entry, please advertise me on your blog and link your name again
You have until October 31st EST to enter the giveaway!!
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart
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