
Pop and Colours #3 Sneak Peeks and Blue Fern Studios YouTube Giveaway

I was honored to join this group of talented ladies who have created video tutorials as a compilation of a series of workshops.
My Workshop goes live tomorrow August 8th but the whole series started on August 5th and if you sign up you can watch all the videos for the same price.
You can find all the information you need to sign up for 
Here are some sneak peeks of my project:
Blue Fern Studios has a new Video Education Team and a new YouTube Channel
And they are having a giveaway if you subscribe to their channel.
You could win the entire Ombre Dreams paper collection  Or better yet- how about TWO complete collections?
It’s easy to win! 
Simply become a subscriber to their new YouTube channel, then check back on their blog and leave a comment letting them know you did so. That is IT.
You have until midnight, August 13th. 
{Two lucky winners will be selected via}
Thank you for joining me today!!
Have a wonderful day!!

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