
Raindrops- 7 Dots April Challenge

The new challenge at 7 Dots Studio is up on the blog. This month the inspirational challenge is drawn from the quote:
“April showers bring May Flowers”
This quote is a typical April saying and that’s why it fits perfectly for the project I created below:
Seeing raindrops on my car window in the winter gives me hope that spring is just around the corner. This picture was taken on one of these very cold winter days as snow was melting on the glass.
 I used the cold country collection to create this wet and rainy layout along with lots of mixed media textured techniques.
The rules of the challenge are simple:
– create any project inspired by our theme
– use at least one 7 Dots Studio product
– publish your project on you blog with a link to our challenge
– do not forget to include in your blog post our “inspirational circle
7 Dots Studio
Cold Country Frozen tears
Cold Country Elements 6×12
Cold Country 6×6 paper pad
Other Products:
Prima Flowers
Doilies: Martha Stewart
Raindrop stencil: Prima
Shimmerz: Before Dawn, Bamboo Leaf, Princess and Jenni B Blue
Silk Glazes: Zircon Teal
Golden Light Molding Paste
micron pen

Hope spring has sprung in your part of the world and the rain has subsided.
Have a wonderful day!!!

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